A Rocha Eco Youth

A Rocha EcoYouth are A Rocha SA affiliated independent groups of Christian young people answering the call to care for creation and engaging their considerable energy to do so. 


‘Strandloopers’ EcoYouth (Overberg region, Western Cape) and ‘Footsteps to Good Hope’ EcoYouth (Belville, Western Cape) were A Rocha South Africa’s first two Eco Youth groups. 

With programmes ranging from hands on environmental education, river and beach cleanups and longer term land rehabilitation projects, A Rocha EcoYouth make a positive contribution to the lives of young people and the places in which they live. During 2021, more than 250 youth participated in 5 river and beach cleanup projects in the Western Cape.

‘Strandloopers’ EcoYouth (Overberg region, Western Cape) is one of A Rocha South Africa’s first two Eco Youth groups. 

With programmes ranging from hands on environmental education, river and beach cleanups and longer term land rehabilitation projects, A Rocha EcoYouth make a positive contribution to the lives of young people and the places in which they live. During 2021, more than 250 youth participated in 5 river and beach cleanup projects in the Western Cape.

Discover, admire, protect ..Rocky Pools at Stony Point:

International Cleanup Day:

World Enviroment Day:

Kosmos Kinders

Early in 2022 the Gereformeerde Kerk Linden together with A Rocha South Africa started an Eco Kids group for grade 1 to 5 learners.

The aim of the program is to teach and ignite a love for creation in children. We strive to guide the children to understand their unique place in creation as well as their God given responsibility.

Each meeting includes some fun and games, a themed teaching activity, snacks (with a poster to show them where their snack comes from) and time with God. 

Working with soil, dissecting fruit and making a lion:

Posters explaining where our food comes from:

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